repetition group

英 [ˌrepəˈtɪʃn ɡruːp] 美 [ˌrepəˈtɪʃn ɡruːp]




  1. The also noted the 'repetition' group learned at a faster rate than those in the 'variety' group.
  2. Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a line or a group of words.
  3. 3rd, the same topic same knowledge test question repetition has the situation to be serious, this has violated the group volume principle.
  4. The natural calling songs in the field of different places have basically the same structural levels; they consist of rhythms with repetition frequency of 43-49 Hz, each rhythm with four syllables, each syllable with three pulse-groups and each pulse group with several pulses.
  5. They were randomly allocated to three groups, 22 in each: the same-content repetition group, the different-content repetition group, and the control group.
  6. After the feeding trial, two similar weight healthy pigs ( same male and female) were randomly chosen from per repetition of each group for a total of 24 with slaughter experiment.
  7. Experiment 1 involved the same-content repetition group and the different-content repetition group. At an interval of one week both groups fulfilled seven tasks, for each of which the participants narrated a story in a set of cartoon pictures.